Cindy Cooley Cindy Cooley

Keeping Promises

New habits aren’t easy to create. A lazy brain likes to be lazy, and mine LOVES to be lazy.

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Cindy Cooley Cindy Cooley

Love Matters

The emotions you, or I bring to any project matter. They matter a great deal because whatever you’re feeling at that moment infuse whatever your doing.

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Cindy Cooley Cindy Cooley


In December of 2019, as I sat in prayer and meditation asking my beloved Creator for guidance in setting goals for the year to come, the singular word - PREPARE - drifted through my consciousness.

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Cindy Cooley Cindy Cooley

“The Universe” Is Not God

Have you ever read a scripture, and saw yourself - your flaws, your misconceptions, your misperceptions, your ignorance - written on the page in black and white, exposed for all to see? It happens to me quite often!

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