Keeping Promises

I’m not writing today because I have something profound to say - in fact, I honestly don’t feel like I have anything worth sharing at all. I’m writing because I promised God that I would write daily, promised myself that I would write daily, and promised y’all I would write daily too.

New habits aren’t easy to create. A lazy brain likes to be lazy, and mine LOVES to be lazy. My sister and I think we may have inherited a lazy gene. What is that physics principle: a body in motion tends to stay in motion, and a body at rest tends to stay at rest? I’ve been resting my my writing muscle for a few years now!

Time to move, change, and write. I’ve got a book to write, and a blog to create. I think I want to do this as a vlog, and am super grateful I’m in the “blog winter” period, because that means I can make lots and lots of mistakes, learn lots and lots of lessons, develop lots and lots of writing muscle, and nobody is reading, or watching me stumble, and toddle along.

This is me, sitting at my brand new laptop, developing my long neglected writing muscle, and keeping the promise I made to God to write every day, Monday - Friday in the month of October.

Have a lovely day!


Oh, The Joy of Being a Crazy Chicken Lady


Love Matters