What is

“The Scratch Life”?

homegrown, handmade, heartfelt homemaking

Cooking from scratch with wholesome ingredients, rather than popping a chemical laden industrially processed toxic goo in the microwave, and calling that food. Growing as many of those wholesome ingredients ourselves, as is humanly possible, or purchasing what we can’t raise or grow from local, ethically-minded farmers and ranchers. The Scratch Life means making a dress for a special occasion, rather than buy cheap fast fashion, which is destined for a landfill.

The Scratch Life is slow and steady, sustainable and environmentally friendly. Choosing elbow-grease over easy; sunshine and fresh air over cubicles and chemicals; ethical over convenience; and God’s way over corporate greed.

Hi, we’re Scott & Cindy.

A married professional Christian couple heading into retirement looking for a change of pace.

We’ve got three grown children, six amazing grandchildren, and 1.7-ish acres of land in Southeastern Louisiana that is pretty much a blank canvas we can build on. Some would call the kiddos free laborers (hahaha!) but we like to think of them as sweet li’l blessings from God.

We’ve done the whole career thing, lived the American dream, but now?

Now, we want to play!

Well, sort of…

Not sure if anybody in their right minds would call homesteading, or living The Scratch Life, “play”, but it is fulfilling on a soul-deep level that helps us sleep well at night, and relax into a state of contentment that all the corporate ladder-climbing never could.