Love Matters

The emotions you, or I bring to any project matter. They matter a great deal because whatever you’re feeling at that moment infuse whatever your doing.

Fixing my husband’s breakfast is a morning ritual I love. While I crack the eggs, I think of my sweet “Ladies” in the hen house, and am grateful for the food they provide us. I think of the way they run to me the moment I step out my back door, wings flailing comically to propel them faster, because they think I might have some food for them. I think of their soft cooing as they settle in the coop for the evening.

As I add grass-fed butter to the skillet, I think of my husband with a grateful heart. He is an old-school man, who takes his moral responsibility to our family seriously. He is a big man, with soft, squishy heart he hides beneath a gruff exterior, and, even after almost 40 years, I love him more today than I did the 1st, or 2nd time we married.

When I set his plate and coffee on the table, everything he eats and drinks is infused with gratitude and love. That’s how he starts his day.

It wasn’t always that way. Before I understood the power of our emotions, IF I cooked him breakfast at all, it was thrown together in a rush, and that’s the way his day went too.


Keeping Promises

