Sooooo, We Did A Thing…

As you may have guessed by the title and image associated with this blog post, Husbando and I did a thing last Summer (2023): we bought land!

43-ish acres of raw land in the Missouri Ozarks. Quite a change from South Louisiana, but I’m looking forward to the challenge, not to mention the elbow room!

I’ve been piddling with this website for a couple of years now, as we relearned canning, gardening, and took on farm animals for the first time in our lives. And now I truly feel like I have something to offer the blogosphere, that isn’t just about myself. I’m ready to run with this. I’m ready to make living, documenting, and sharing “The Scratch Life” my job.

Our land, which we’ve dubbed “Wildwood Ridge,” is so gorgeous! It’s got a ridgetop with sloping sides on either side of the ridge, and a lovely little creek on the backside. To be honest, there are parts of Wildwood Ridge that we haven’t even seen yet, but we are over the moon to discover all the delights that await our exploration.

There are persimmon trees, for sure, blackberries bushes galore, and lots of sweet gum, black oak, black walnut, and pine trees on the property, as well. We planted 3 apples and a mulberry tree in October, but found we’re gonna need an auger attachment on a tractor in order to plant the peach, pear, cherry, and plum saplings we purchased as well.

Over the course of the Summer and Fall we put in a driveway/road to the top of the ridge where we want to build our home, barn, greenhouse, and gardens; had to run electricity almost half a mile!; dug a well; put in a septic tank; and had an RV pad made for our camper, which is our home away from home when we’re in Missouri.

Now, the stage is set! If I’d’ve thought about it, I’d’ve documented that whole process for this blog, but I didn’t.

Going forward, however, every step we take to breakdown our homestead in Louisiana, and relocate to Wildwood Ridge will be here, and on YouTube, for your education, edification, and enjoyment.


Livin’ La Vita Camper!


Barnyard Animals