Livin’ La Vita Camper!

Well, they there, Sunshine, we’re on an adventure in the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia, so c’mon…

Once Scott retired, we bought a camper because…well, buying a camper is just what new retires do, right?

Not quite. We bought an RV to live in when we’re in Missouri working on our property, and to live in for a couple of years while we build our homestead once we move from Louisiana permanently.

This isn’t our RV, but it sure feels that small! Yeah, this is our first RV - my sister calls it our training-wheels camper - we made a mistake and bought too small for our long-term needs. A mistake we’ll just have to live with for the moment. I admit, though, I have slide envy! When I see a lovely 5th-wheel going down the road, I count the slides (the more slides, the more roomy inside) and hope the owners appreciate the extra elbow-room.

How does one live The Scratch Life in an RV? Easily! We have been in West Virginia for the past month to be with our daughter, who just gave birth to her first child - precious grandbaby #7! - and stay at a cozy RV park just a few minutes away from her. Having a camper means we can visit, and be here for her, without intruding on their lives, or privacy. We sleep in our own bed, cook our own food from scratch, of course, and have invested in a Lazy-Boy loveseat with cupholders so we can be comfortable.

But, perhaps my favorite thing of all, I’ve brought my sewing Machine along, and commandeered the kitchen table for my sewing space. Space is premium in a camper, so the top of our sweet dog Teddy’s kennel serves the perfect place to set up my mini ironing board. (A quilters gotta iron!)

The only real fly in the ointment is that the oven is super small, and I can’t bake a loaf of bread in it, so we’re having to buy bread from the store.

Eventually, we’ll get a 5th-wheel with lots of slides, thus lots of elbow-room, but until then, I’m am quite content livin’ The Scratch Life on the road in our sweet li’l camper.

We’re heading home soon. Once we leave here, we’re going to Missouri for another week, or two. We’re meeting my sister and brother-in-law, who is gifting me with her mid-arm quilting machine, plus all the paraphernalia that goes along with it!

I’ll forever hold dear and precious this sweet time with our daughter and granddaughter, and am grateful to have the camper, which made this possible. We could not have afforded two months in a hotel, nor boarded our sweet dog, Teddy for that amount of time. This way, he get to come with us!

Then, it’s time to turn my thoughts toward 2024’s garden. It will be the last garden we plant in Louisiana, it will be a little bittersweet, but I want to make the most of it. Because we’ll have been gone for two months, I won’t be starting seeds this year, but am still looking forward to growing good food this year.

Until next time…

Have a blessed and beautiful day!


Getting Ready To Move


Sooooo, We Did A Thing…