Getting Ready To Move

The time has come to leave West Virginia, and begin the trip home. I’m not ready to go. Holding my sweet granddaughter in my arms I am acutely aware of the deep pull at my heart to stay, and watch her grow into the fine, lovely young woman I know she will one day be.

It is the same with all of them. We have grandchildren in West Virginia, Missouri, and Louisiana. When we are in one place, we miss out on the lives of the others. A sad, but true reality of modern families, who’ve scattered to the winds.

I’m sad to leave this grandbaby, but excited to see the others. Bittersweet, to be sure.

We’re pulling out bright and early two days from now, and have a lot to do between now and then. Today will be laundry, and securing the things we don’t use on a daily basis. Tomorrow will be a rush of emptying and cleaning tanks, cleaning septic lines, and getting everything stowed in the basement (storage beneath the RV). I won’t blog the day we’re on the road.

In fact, my blogging today will be mercifully brief. There is lots to do, and only a certain amount of time to do it.

The clock’s ticking…


Livin’ La Vita Camper!