“The Universe” Is Not God

“…who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen” ~Romans 1:25

Have you ever read a scripture, and saw yourself - your flaws, your misconceptions, your misperceptions, your ignorance - written on the page in black and white, exposed for all to see? It happens to me quite often!

In fact, it seems the older I get, the more ridiculous I see my younger self, whom I thought was soooo wise at the time.

The first time I read the above verse in Romans, I actually flinched, and all I could think is: ‘Wait, “The Universe” Is Not God? Go figure!’ As a former new thought/new age “spiritual but not religious” devotee, who spoke in glowing terms of the “goodness of the universe” and believed it to my core, it was quite a shock!

To be honest, I spent many a morning sitting in meditation, ohm-ing an homage to the rising sun, and peered meaningfully into many an inky, starry sky in wonder at the brilliance, and magnificence of it all.

But I got it wrong. Mixed up, turned upside-down and inside-out. It’s good to know I’m not alone. Such is the human condition - to be so sure of our rightness in all of our wrongness - which is, perhaps, why we need Jesus Christ as our Savior.

Cannot say it was wasted time, because…well, it is BECAUSE I gazed with such wonder at the creation that I kneel in reverent awe of the Creator.

When I consider Your heavens,
the work of Your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which You have ordained.

~Psalm 8:3


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